Pensum Asset Management AS (org no. 920 685 714) is defined as a non-independent securities firm in accordance with MIFID II («Markets in Financial Instruments Directive»).

All customers must be MIFID classified before a customer relationship can be established. The purpose of this is to establish different levels of customer protection based on knowledge of instruments/financial services and ability to bear the risks involved. The customers must be categorized in one of three different categories: Non-professional clients, professional clients, or eligible counterparties.

Non-professional customers must be assessed for suitability at the start of the customer relationship based on information obtained from the customer and must have an investment profile defined which must be updated at least on an annual basis.

In the case of remuneration from other product suppliers, the company will not retain any part of the remuneration, but will pass this on to the customer, except for the fee/administration cost that DNB charge to calculate the remuneration per customer per fund.

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